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Seven Mission Trips to Guatemala: Making a Difference in a Nation in Need

"Explore seven impactful mission trips to Guatemala. Join efforts to make a difference in a nation facing challenges and in need of support."

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Human Trafficking: How You Can Serve the Vulnerable

"Learn how to combat human trafficking and support the vulnerable. Discover ways you can make a difference in fighting this global issue."

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Raising Prayer and Financial Support; Thriving for a lifetime

Prayer support is just as vital as financial support. This session will explore how to thrive for a lifetime. You will need churches to send you, and a full and engaged prayer and financial support team.

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Exploring Paid Medical Mission Trips This Year

"Discover opportunities for paid medical mission trips this year. Explore options to combine service with your professional expertise."

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Caring for the Caregiver - A platform for the continuum of care for those in healthcare

Every day healthcare workers face a lot of stressful and emotionally challenging situations at work. Moreover the long drawn pandemic has had its impact on healthcare workers. Numerous deaths, making difficult choices due to resource constraints and overstretched days are some of the challenges that have affected health workers mentally and emotionally. With daily work demands being constant ma...

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8 Pediatric Medical Mission Trips Medical Missions

Explore pediatric medical mission trips with organizations like International Volunteer HQ, Cure International, and others, serving kids globally.

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Becoming a Christian Missionary: A Guide to Fulfilling the Great Commission

"Unlock the path to becoming a Christian missionary. This guide illuminates steps to fulfill the Great Commission with purpose and conviction."

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Navigating the Unique Obstacles of Raising Kids in the Mission Field

How do we serve in the mission field without losing our kids? Third Culture Kids or Missionary Kids live a unique life experience that at its best can form amazing faith and character and at its worst, disillusionment and unbelief. The session will address how we can try to parent well, while living and growing up in Christian systems differentiating from what is Biblical and what is cultural.

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What Is A Mission Trip?

A mission trip is a journey by individuals or groups, often motivated by faith, to offer help, service, or evangelism in communities in need.

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What Is A Missionary?

A missionary is a devoted follower of Jesus, called by God to spread the gospel. They have a passion for the lost, enduring faith, and flexibility.

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