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8 types of missionary work and how you can help

There are many types of missionary work you can get involved in. Let's talk about eight (8) types of missionary work and how you can help.

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10 Christian Missionary Organizations - Medical Missions

You have a heart for the nations, and when it comes to Christian missionary organizations to take you there, you have a lot of options.

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A Brief History of Christian Missionaries

The truth of the gospel—and the role of Christian missionaries in sharing that truth—has remained a constant for the kingdom for over 2000 years.

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The Best Medical Missionary Training Online

Medical missionaries have the privilege of helping individuals address both struggles. That’s why it’s so important for those called to medical missions to find quality training online. 

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Some of the Best Countries to do Mission Work

The world is a big place, and people's needs are everywhere. So, finding the best countries to do mission work can be a challenge. It’s hard to know where to start.

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Five questions about being a missionary doctor

Do you have questions about being a missionary doctor. This post answers five of the most common questions about being a missionary doctor.

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7 Unique Mission Trip Gift Ideas

Talk with your missionary about what needs they might have. This will help you avoid getting a mission trip gift that won’t work at all!

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5 Nurse Mission Trips - Minister to Those in Need

Nurses have found a place and purpose in fulfilling the Great Commission. As a result, nurse mission trips have grown in both popularity and opportunity.

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6 Types of Christian Medical Missions - Serve Your Call

The field of Christian medical missions continues to grow. The opportunities for those interested in pursuing Christian medical missions are expanding as well.

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Top 10 Missionary Schools to Attend

Missionary schools may have their place in God’s plan for you. But make sure you're considering the basics as you decide which direction is best for you.

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