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Women on Mission

This session focuses on women on mission and will highlight the role of women on mission, the challenges faced and some ways to overcome these challenges. Examples of women on mission in the past as well as present day experiences will be used to bring to life the opportunities and the difficulties as well as the great joys of a woman on mission. Session recorded on Friday, November 10th dur...

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Seeing Jesus: Expanded

In my journey, the Lord has taught me to share in Christ's sufferings and how fixing my eyes on Jesus has not only helped me serve Him differently but also how it has helped me see Him more fully and see His glory. In this session, you will be challenged to see Christ through the eyes of the writer of Hebrews. Discovering how we might remain fixed on him as we transform the way we see our c...

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Substance Use in the Middle East- Pilot Intervention in Opportunistic Settings in Egypt

The Substance Use Disorder (SUD) crisis in the Middle East continues to escalate beyond epidemic proportions invading all society levels. This is while access to prevention, treatment and recovery lags especially for the most vulnerable pockets of society. Social determinants including inherent culture, stigma, unaffordable cost, and limitation of trained addiction specialists and facilities li...

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Achieving Financial Freedom Whether or Not You Go Overseas - Mission, Medicine, Marriage & Money

Finances are where worship happens. What you truly believe is really shown through your credit card and bank statements. Many people desire to go overseas, but their aspirations get dashed by the reality of debt or overconsumption. We want to give practical advice of how not to fall into the trap of over-consumerism. Financial strategy can give you the freedom to tithe more generously, live wit...

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Best Practices for Rehab Professionals serving Short Term in Mission Hospitals

Many mission hospitals have limited or absent rehabilitation services. Rehab professionals traveling to mission hospitals for short-term visits can provide 3 very important services. They can provide direct patient care, provide education, and mentoring where no rehab services are available and can encourage and support the full time missionaries serving there. This presentation will review ...

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Kingdom Come: Medicine and the Next 100 Years of Global Christianity

Kingdom Come: Medicine and the Next 100 Years of Global Christianity Medical missions is an effective door opener for the Gospel, historically and today. Is it possible for the Gospel to grow at the rate that it grew in the second and third centuries? This talk will focus on the why?...the how?...and the where? Session recorded on Friday, November 10th during Session Block #3 at 1:00 PM E...

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Hope in God's promises beyond the pain of Grief

Jeremiah 8:18 My grief is beyond healing; my heart is broken Session recorded on Friday, November 10th during Session Block #3 at 1:00 PM EST ; speaker: Tony Weedor Session webpage:

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Seeing Jesus

In my journey, the Lord has taught me to share in Christ's sufferings and how fixing my eyes on Jesus has not only helped me serve Him differently but also how it has helped me see Him more fully and see His glory. In this session, you will be challenged to see Christ through the eyes of the writer of Hebrews. Discovering how we might remain fixed on him as we transform the way we see our c...

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Spiritual Warfare and the Mind: The Unseen Battle that Affects Your Walk and Service with the Lord

2 Cor. 10:4,5. Spiritual warfare is a reality that all Christians, and perhaps missionaries in particular, will encounter. However, not all spiritual battles involve open power encounters with forces of darkness. Though these may receive more attention the more pervasive conflict takes place in our minds. What is the example Paul uses? To gain spiritual victory in this one area would be worth l...

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Bridge Building for Christ’s Kingdom EXPANDED

There are tens of thousands of bridges all over the world. We cross them to get over to the other side. We often take them for granted and sometimes we marvel at them. The Great Commission of our Lord Jesus to take His Gospel into all the world is meant for everyone, without exception. But most believers hardly know where to start and how to effectively communicate His Truth with the lost. We c...

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