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Everything you ever wanted to know about tropical diseases

As a medical missionary, this is everything you ever wanted to know about tropical diseases.

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Boundaries in Medical Missions - How to Prevent Burnout and Stay Emotionally Healthy Spiritually

When we embrace our God-given limitations and develop God-honoring boundaries, we can serve for full careers – staying healthy and with emotionally healthy families.

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Sustainability: Keeping the Faith When Ministry gets Difficult

People often begin ministry enthusiastically and then get surprised when difficulties arise and they’re unprepared to face them.

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Our Story in the Story of the World

Our work in missional healthcare isn’t just an add-on, or a platform to do some other work. It’s part of the core story.

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Merry Christmas Together

When Jesus walked on this earth, he certainly did not walk alone.

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Women in Missions - Rebekah Naylor

OverviewThis session will discuss the role of women in health care missions today. It will include examples and personal stories that will encourage expanded vision and new perspectives on opportunities and needs.Educational ObjectivesAfter this session participants will be able to:1.Identify possible roles for women in health care missions2.Identify some barriers for women in health care missi...

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Partnerships - Jamie Saint

OverviewIn the mission field today, there is no shortage of work that needs to be done. Small minded thinking tells us that we are the only ones trying to accomplish a particular mission or that we are the only ones that can do it right. By working together as the body of Christ, we can accomplish more together than we can alone.Educational Objectives- Think of new ways to empower Christ-follow...

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Lament And Hope In Times Of Shifting Foundations

I’ve recently been struck by the thought that all ministry can be summed up with one goal: to bring people to Jesus. During this time of uncertainty, it gives me great peace to know that I don’t need to have all of the answers or even have the capacity to carry another’s anxiety. I just want to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus, encouraging others to have their gaze on Him as well. ...

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How COVID-19 Presents Unique Opportunities To Share The Gospel

Between the moment of our salvation and the moment we graduate to glory, Christians interact with people from two worlds: unbelievers (2 Cor. 6:4) and believers in Jesus (John 3:18), or Christians (Acts 11:26). The Bible teaches that our activities with believers include fellowship and worship, while all of our activities with unbelievers fall under the life-style of evangelism. Jesus is Sen...

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COVID-19, Long-Term Missions, And The One Tool That Can’t Be Taken

As COVID-19 spreads throughout the earth, the unknown complexity on society poses new questions about its effect on long-term missions, particularly for those already on the field and those eager to go. Missionaries across the globe find themselves in self-quarantine, wishing they could enjoy the in-person fellowship of local believers or longing to do quarantine with more than their six kid...

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