Speaker Resource Page

for the 2020 Global Missions Health Conference

2020 GMHC Speakers:

The GMHC is a unique event in many ways.  One of the most significant is how community-owned this entire movement has become.  It truly belongs to all of us.  Our team here at the GMHC is committed to stewarding and hosting the most informative, impassioned, and creative conference we can.  That is why our committee has chosen each of you specifically to bring your expertise as a speaker. 

In this virtual situation, we are absolutely committed to providing the same level of content that we always have - and that means we want to work alongside you to make sure that happens. We have already been working diligently with our technology platform, video providers, and content strategists to ensure that this year's breakout sessions will preserve (and hopefully even elevate!) the level of excellence for attendees. 

We will be having each of you audio record your content and prepare a slide deck beforehand so that during your pre-recorded breakout session time at the GMHC, you will be able to field questions, interact with attendees, and maintain the overall fidelity of the breakout session experience (all while being virtual). The GMHC will still take place on Friday, November 13 - Saturday, November 14, and we will try to keep your session time as close to the original schedule as possible.

As always, you can reach out to kacie@medicalmissions.com for any questions you have about the breakout sessions/speaking or angie@medicalmissions.com for any questions about the conference in general.

Thank you for your commitment to the Global Missions Health Conference, and more importantly, your commitment to the advancement of God's kingdom here on earth in the form of caring for his people.

Simplifying Speaker Engagement

Three easy steps for your best experience and the best experience for our attendees.

Pre-GMHC Preparation

Getting you prepared well for the GMHC.

GMHC Success

Making the most of your speaking engagement at the GMHC.

Post-GMHC Engagement

Expanded your impact beyond the GMHC.

A Note About Security

Your security is extremely important to us here at the GMHC.  Many of our speakers work in restricted access areas of the world.  Our team does everything possible to ensure your security.  To learn more about our event security measures, please click here.  

1. Pre-GMHC Preparation

Before the GMHC, you will want to prepare your breakout session just like you would have before. This year we will need it early though - by OCT. 2, 2020. We need them early because we will take all of the presentations and add intro slides, a slide at the end announcing the time for Q&A, and then we will pre-load them onto the website. There is a lot of editing to be done, so we need them early! We want our attendees to have the best experience possible on the days of the conference, which is why we've chosen to pre-record all of your sessions.

Key Responsibility during GMHC Preparation

Recording your session.

Take the time to craft your breakout session, rehearse, and then record.  Even though it's recorded, be animated and energetic.  You'll be with everyone live in live-chat during the GMHC.  

1.1 Speaker Preparation Checklist

Below are the items a GMHC speaker needs to complete from the point of acceptance to the event.

  • Accept Speaker Invitation
  • Register for the GMHC (no cost to speakers) 
  • Complete CME Forms if notified
  • Record your Breakout Session
  • Upload your Breakout Session
  • Upload Additional Files
  • Help Promote the GMHC

1.2 How to Record Your Breakout Session

2020 Breakout Session Speakers will be asked to pre-record their session.  This is called a "voice-over slide deck" presentation where you will record just your voice over the PowerPoint/Keynote slides.  Only your voice and slides will be in these recordings which our team will edit and prepare and then cannot be altered. If your session has more than one presenter and you cannot make one recording together, then prepare and upload multiple recordings with sequential file names e.g. Session Title 1 of 3, Session Title 2 of 3, Session Title 3 of 3. 

 Your session should be approximately 45-50 minutes, with 10-15 minutes left at the end for Q&A with the audience.



Record a PowerPoint Presentation

Record a Keynote Presentation

Training Video Coming Soon!

1.3 Useful Preparation Resources

Powerpoint and Keynote templates are provided as a resource for you. You are welcome to use them, but they are not required.

DUE DATE: All presentations are due back to the GMCH by October 2nd, 2020.

1.4 Frequently Asked Questions - GMHC Preparation

Do speakers have to register for the GMHC?

Is the schedule the same or has it changed because of going virtual?

What if I still have questions about recording?

What if we have more than one speaker presenting our session?

Do I have to record "voice-over slide deck"?

How long should my presentation be?

2. GMHC Success

Success this year means showing up during allotted time and interacting with the audience after your pre-recorded session is shown. You can find your time slot HERE. We want you to chat with the attendees and answer any questions they may have. 

Key Responsibility for Speakers During the GMHC

Being present in your breakout session chat.

While all breakout sessions will be pre-recorded, we do require all speakers be present during their designated breakout session time to interact with attendees in the live chat.  You won't have the worry of presenting at the same time, simply interacting with the attendees.  This will significantly increase the value of the attendee experience.

2.1 How Does Live-Chat Work?

The GMHC is designing, from the ground up, a unique and powerful tool for session speakers to interact with session attendees.  This toolset will allow you to interact directly with the attendees in your session while your presentation is streaming.  A moderator will also be in the live-chat with you to help manage any off-topic conversations.  You and the moderator will have the ability to block any users if needed.  

This is an excellent way for you to interact and answer questions while it also helps attendees to learn more, dig deeper, and hear what others are thinking.  We're certain these tools will help attendees learn more and "make it stick" better as they attend your session online.

2.2 Frequently Asked Questions - GMHC Success

Do I need to be present during the conference?

What if security is extremely important for me?

3. Post GMHC

Once the GMHC is over, you may want to start a group with interested attendees. This might be around a specific topic or healthcare specialty. Another way you can continue to engage is by providing resources that pertain to your session. Those can be loaded directly to your session through your profile on MedicalMissions.com.

Key Responsibility After the GMHC

Stay engaged in Community. Start groups, share stories, provide resources. The GMHC isn't just another conference, it is a place for people to find their next step in missions - and they need your expertise and experience to help them do that.


How To: Load Additional Session Resources

Step 1 - Access Personal Dashboard

Step 2 - Find Session on Dashboard

Step 3 - Click Actions

Step 4 - Load Resources