Submit a question about the

crisis in Ukraine!

On May 12th, 2022 we will be hosting a virtual event exploring the current crisis in Ukraine. If you would like to submit a question for the panel to discuss during the event, we invite you to do so by clicking on the link below! All questions will be reviewed for relevancy. Thank you for your participation in this event!

Do you have a question?

The war in Ukraine has birthed a massive humanitarian crisis. There are many complexities surrounding this topic and what it means for the millions of people currently displaced in Ukraine. 

Knowing we cannot cover everything in one virtual event, we would like to invite you to submit questions that would be helpful for you and others in the GMHC community to hear comments on from the panel of professionals.

To have your questions considered, please submit by May 5th @ 10:00am EST.

*Note: all questions will be reviewed for relevancy and are not guaranteed to be answered.