........ It was late, the clinic had finished for the day, and our eyeglass team was "packing up" to leave, when Brenda noticed an elderly            an "feeling" his way along the wall, slowly, one small step at a time, because he could not see.

He was blind.

In a feeble voice he pleaded, "Can you help me?"

How could we help this man? We cannot give him new eyes, or take away his cataracts.  What could we do?  The situation seemed hopeless....

So, Brenda did the only thing that could help.... she prayed, and a simple prayer went up thru a spotless blue sky to the God we love and serve.

Suddenly, the thought came to look in an old box of "throw away" glasses. These are old prescription eyeglasses, that people give us but, it is always hard to find another person on the planet who has the exact same kind of eye correction. But...... there in the center of the box..... was (1) pair of "cataract sunglasses" (+15)"!! These are the ones that look like "coke bottle" lenses.

She led him to the window and put on the glasses. If he could just see the shape of a building that would be a miracle.

"What do you see?", she asked...

Suddenly, he exclaimed...... "I can see trees.... and people.... and... and... with joy and trembling in his excited voice, he said....  "I can see their faces!!"

Tears started to flow, and he look down......

There below the window was a box, and he said .... "I can see numbers, and.... letters"......

"I can see....." "I can see....."  he cried again and again.

Miracles can and do happen, when we are obedient to the command of God to GO and share His Love with those who have never heard. Brenda "almost" did not come because it was so expensive. Yet, she KNEW in her heart that God wanted her to come, and so she obeyed. It takes FAITH to leave your comfort zone and follow Jesus.  So many people decide not to come. Yet, the few that sacrifice for Jesus, have JOY that others will never know. The JOY of "pouring out" your life for God, and seeing His hand at work, right in front of your eyes!

Organizations related to this story: Agape Unlimited


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  • Scot Luman

    Scot Luman

    Wow, what an amazing encounter!