Maybe you have heard this before or maybe you have not, but I never had: "People in the medical field almost always go to the Reached Impoverished World."  That was where my wife and I were heading.

Don't believe me?  Then I would ask you this: for your next medical missions trip, which of the following are you considering?

1) Doing a two week trip to Haiti/Belize/Ecuador/Kenya (i.e. the Reached Impoverished World) or 

2) Moving your family to live long term in Qatar (the Unreached Rich World)

Maybe you could consider a different path.  A way where you can completely use your skills, with no support raising!!!  

In addition, consider the following (sources Scatter by Andrew Scott, and the Joshua Project):

Total Giving to Foreign Missions for work among already Christian groups (the Reached World): 87%

Giving to Foreign Missions for work among people that live within reach of the Gospel but haven't responded (the Reached World): 12%

Giving to Foreign Missions for work among Unreached people groups: 1%

I don't know about you, but I find the above numbers pretty depressing.  What about the Unreached World?

Now to be clear, I AM NOT AGAINST poverty alleviation in the Reached World.  Clearly that is Biblical!  But I was so shocked when I heard this information that I completely changed my life trajectory -  from going to Southern Africa to a place in Asia.  And if I can do this, anybody can do this!!  

So come to the Rich Unreached World of the Middle East, and Asia.  You may even get to live in air conditioning, while spreading the Gospel!


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  • Illgo


    This story helped confirm to me and my husband to going to China and not the Philippines for our full time missionary journey. We have been praying for the Lord's leading. I want to thank you so much for posting this.
  • Benskin Benskin

    It can be very disempowering to Christians in developing countries to have Voluntourists come in and take over, as if the local people are idiots. There is a place for workers from America in the developing world, but it is really pretty limited. You are so right that the relatively wealthy unreached world is a far more neglected mission point. Even just bringing World Bible School introductory lessons with you to pass out to interested strangers as you take a tour could do much to expand the Kingdom in these areas.
  • Margaret James

    Margaret James

    This is so true! It's exciting to think that in the countries of the Arab Gulf, for example, your career and experience can be the very thing that allows you to live and work and share the gospel. I love that you don't have to give up your profession and the experience God has given you; instead that can be leveraged to gain access into the very heart of Islam, for example, where there are so many Unengaged and Unreached peoples!