Organization Membership Criteria

Organizations are invited to create a free account on following a request to join and approval from the review team.  To submit a request for membership to the community, please email Angie answers to the following questions.  All requests to join will be quickly reviewed.  Organizations matching the criteria required will be granted access to join the community.   Southeast Christian Church and reserve the right to accept and decline any organization as a member of this community by it's own determination (with or without explanation).  


Questions to Complete

  • What is your organizations name?
  • What is the contact information for your organization's primary contact (name, address, email address)?
  • What is the primary purpose and vision of your organization?
  • What specific healthcare professionals fields does your organization engage (ex: nurses, pharmacists, etc.)?
  • What geographical regions does your organization work?
  • What specific opportunities and services does your organization provide?
  • Why do you desire to be part of the community?
  • Have you ever attended the Global Missions Health Conference (GMHC) before?



  • Organization must be a valid 501(c)3 or corporate in the United States
  • Organization must have valid website
  • Individual submitting request must have email address matching organization URL
  • Organization must provide specific resources for the community of healthcare missions
  • Organizations must understand that this is a community designed to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the organizations who are members of the community share an active role to advocate for healthcare missions and directly sharing about Jesus Christ.