
Welcoming Attendees and proving Packets

Orientation Info
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Orientation Schedule


October 30, 2019 starting 11AM- 6pm in Fireside Room (1hour sessions)

Times:11:00am, 1:00pm,3:00pm,5:00pm

November 6, 2019 starting 12noon – 6pm in ATCR 106/109



Orientation is OPTIONAL for all volunteers.


  1. Thank You for Volunteering
  2. General Information Regarding Jobs
  3. Specific information for some of the Jobs
  4. Specific instructions regarding the Room Assistants
  5. Volunteer Check in process
  6. Resources available
  7. Volunteer Room-Hospitality Room for Volunteers
  8. Opioid Exhibits





Box lunch/snack  for volunteers working over 4 hours. Volunteer must register for conference to receive box lunches.

Select the dates and times you are available.