The Amazing dental camp at Hyderabad:

We were very new to the mPOWER training as it started at Hydarabad on 23rd July 2012 we started our mPOWER training the team led us into the four major sections of theory and then we had the practical in villages camps for the four different villages and one camp in Stone bridge school which was especially for the children’s.
At the first time it was not that easy for us as new learners to put injection in someone’s mouth and give a cross shot but when we saw the pain of people we realized the need of deliverance from the illness. And then our hand got stronger and stronger to serve people .it was just like touching people with the Gods hands. After the many successful teeth extractions people said that they are comforted. Since the camps were free of cost poor people could come and got the treatment for which they can’t afford. The sympathetic treatment yielded many of the patients to testify that they felt the love of God as doctors treated them. And many received the Gospel and believed.
As we assisted the dentists, it had become our protocol to pray for the patient or share gospel as they are being numbed and also when the procedure began and the extraction takes place. We felt this is a great ministry for showing faith in action. Since we can’t change everything over the night and remove all the causes of dental problem from all the places yet we can just submit ourselves to God to reach out through our lives and this ministry to those who unreached and drew so many souls from lostness to eternity.
We are thankful to SECC dental team for coming in south India to give us mPOWER training which is very much according to our need and a useful way for us to reach the unreached. mPOWER training also has been considered as one of the tools and training for the Global Transformation. And we join our hands with this team to touch the sick with the touch of love, touch of healing and restoration. May the almighty God continue to use us and specially the SECC team for the extension of Gods Kingdom on earth. As there are many been touched but still many left in pain they needs to be reached out and being touched.

Pr. P.S Joshi / Pr. Esron Kumar
North India Christian Mission - (Chandigarh)


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