The Power of Wholistic Ministry

"For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or heaven, making peace by the blood of the cross." Colossians 1:19-20

Which is the most important thing we do on our medical mission trips, caring for the sick or sharing the gospel? This is a trick question. Caring for the sick IS the gospel. Just like feeding the hungry, providing shelter for the homeless, caring for those swept up in human trafficking, and all the other things GO InterNational teams do. This verse makes it clear that Jesus died on the cross, not just to save us from sin, but also to restore all of creation to its original state before sin entered the world. That won’t ultimately and completely happen until Jesus’ return, but his purpose for us who follow him now is to bring His kingdom into every area where we have influence. The gospel affects every area of life.

This was made clear once again on our recent trip to Peru. Our team helped construct a roof on the community center our partner Olinda is developing. This center will reach out to poor children with education and a medical clinic, while sharing Jesus love. We also ministered to over 900 people with medical, dental and eye care in three different communities. Many of those people would never come for a church service or to see the Jesus film. But they came because we cared about their needs. And in the process they met Christ. I was able to pray with several people to receive Christ. Our Peruvian doctor, Willyams, said that one day the Spirit was moving so powerfully that almost every patient he saw prayed to receive Christ. That same day some of our team taught health lessons and showed the Jesus film in the public school. Without any prompting from our team, the children responded to the invitation at the end of the film and over 60 children professed faith in Christ! God was moving powerfully through everything that the team did to bring people to himself. This is the power of what we call wholistic ministry. Thank you for your support and prayers that allow it to happen. Come join us on a team soon and see for yourself.


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