Before setting out on my first medical mission trip to Nicaragua in August 2015 with Global Health Outreach, my parents gave me this verse:
‘Blessed is he who considers the poor; The LORD will deliver him in time of trouble.’ Psalm 41:1
Thirty six hours later I was far from my home, in a completely different setting with people I didn’t know and hearing a language that I didn’t speak. I was excited, but unsure of what was in store for the following two weeks– at this stage I didn’t realise how much the words of this verse would apply to my time in Nicaragua.

I was joining two short term mission teams which would provide medical and dental healthcare to those in need at two different locations. We were able to reach 200-300 patients a day in the first week, providing them with healthcare which they could either not afford or was not available to them. We not only cared for the physical needs of these patients, but also prayed and shared the Gospel with them. Through our work in healing the physical needs of the patients, God worked in healing their hearts and 35 people gave their lives to Jesus in this first week.

By the end of the first week, we knew we had all been blessed but also realised that when we serve God, there will always be opposition. Of the 38 people on our team, 13 of us fell ill close to the end of the week. It was only by God’s grace that He delivered us in our ‘time of trouble’ and I was thankful He enabled me to continue to serve on the second week of my trip which was to a more remote location. With no running water and horse being the main mode of transport for the local population , we caught a glimpse of how much we rely on things we often take for granted at home, and how much more important it is to rely on God.

We saw 993 patients in the second week and a further 80 people made a decision for Christ during that week as we partnered with the local churches. Through our work in short term medical mission the local church was strengthened.

On returning home, I have realised how much this trip has impacted me both in my studies as a medical student and in my walk with God. As I ask myself “what should I do now?” the answer has been made clear to me - ‘Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so.’ Proverbs 3:27


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