San Marcos de Colon, Honduras GHO 2015
Trip Summary

This was the first time in my life it was tough for me to say “Yes” to going on a mission trip. I just graduated from dental school, already had a trip to Colorado planned and then only 3 weeks to buy a new car, find a house to live in next year, and get in shape before heading to San Antonio for Officer Training with the Army. Would it be smart to “waste” one of those 3 weeks going on a trip to Honduras? On top of that, I was going through a period of extreme doubt and lack of faith in Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit. And where would the money come from? I had less than 6 weeks to try and raise $2300, it just didn’t seem possible.
All that said, this trip could not have come at a better time for me. The Lord is so faithful, he gave me the strength to say yes to this trip and by doing so he renewed my faith in such a strong way. I had been struggling from a period of anxiety where I was extremely broken down and wondering why God would leave me in such a place; I was wondering if he was still at work in this world. If you ever go to the Good Samaritan Baptist Mission in San Marcos de Colon, Honduras, you would not be able to question whether God is still at work in this world, the answer is a resounding yes. The work the Lord is doing there through the Tyson family is astounding: over 200 churches planted, over 30 feeding kitchens, over 1250 kids in a school that teaches the gospel, and numerous stories about God taking control of a tough situation and turning it for His good. They Tyson family stepped out in faith, moving to a country where they knew no one and didn’t speak the language. All they had was God and they knew it was enough. Seeing the Lord’s work first hand in such a dramatic fashion gave me a renewed strength and trust in the Lord, relieving me of any lingering doubt or anxiety I held on to.
It’s always funny on medical trips like these because we go to serve and to heal other but on these types of trips the most miraculous healing seems to occur to those who came to serve. For a trip where most people signed up within 6 weeks of the trip date, all last minute decisions, it was incredible to see how obvious it was that we were all still hand selected by God for this trip. The stories shared, similar struggles people faced, and the ability for one to build up the other in a time of need was so awesome to watch and also be a part of. Praise God for his faithfulness.


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