I just returned from a 2 week + trip to Nepal in the aftermath of the earthquakes. Please pray for the people of Nepal, as the monsoon season is now upon them. This will not only complicate aid and relief efforts, but give rise to whole new concerns of safety and health.
It's my privilege to work with New Life International to bring safe water and the Living Water gospel of Jesus Christ in this place at this time. We have deployed over 40 McGuire water purification systems within the first month of the disaster, and in coordination with other partners and organizations are making great strides laying the foundations that will deliver hundreds if not thousands of these systems where needed.
It was truly awe-inspiring to see God work so quickly in helping us set up an in-country team of believers who will lead the effort, with training and support from us. These Christians both young and old now have a mighty tool to share Christ in daily relationships, and also to offer not only immediate aid and relief, but long term development needs of health, sanitation and hygiene. It offers us a way to not only tend and heal physical needs, but spiritual ones as well.
I look forward to returning soon, as our efforts will be dedicated to commitment and long range impacts.


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